Enrique Cifres - Dr.Ing

Enrique Cifres - Dr.Ing

Foro sobre recursos hidráulicos y energía y desarrollo sostenible bajo las premisas de independencia profesional avalada por más de 30 años de dedicación exclusiva.

Dams & XXI Century Challenges.

"It is agreed today within the international community that there is a necessity to promote and ensure progress in water storage to address the world's challenges related to water security and global change," says Enrique Cifres, chairman of the ICOLD Dams and River Basin Management Committee. "Since 2000, [the industry] has seen a new impetus in promoting new infrastructure to meet the needs of countries in terms of water supply, energy and food, as well as the need to address the increasing occurrence of large floods and drought."

Photo: Tous new dam. Spain

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